Episode 1

Published on:

28th Jun 2020

This Is Our Community

In this week's episode, Bricco and Deme tackle one of the biggest community issues to arise in gaming and the World of Warcraft for a very long time, the recent revelations of sexual misconduct, assault and potentially worse. This isn't the introduction we had planned but we didn't feel we could launch a podcast about the WoW community and not discuss it.

Here's the link to For Azeroth with Joce and Manny, sorry for calling Joce, Joyce! https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/for-azeroth/id1163801045?i=1000479928588

Here's the link for the listing Deme mentions - this is to the medium article with its disclaimer and it then links to the google listing, https://medium.com/@survivors_streaming_industry/survivor-stories-of-harassment-assault-with-the-gaming-and-live-streaming-industry-11cb2fab96f0

The GOOD PEOPLE list is now on the website here - https://thethirdfaction.com/2020/07/10/the-good-people-post/

You can email the show on


And you can find everywhere else we are here -


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About the Podcast

The Third Faction The Good People in Gaming Podcast
A podcast about the gaming community hosted by Bricco, RP Govan and Ms Listra with the occasional special guest on each fortnightly episode.
A podcast about the community in the gaming with a heavy bias towards World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy 14 and many other games.

Each fortnight, Bricco, RP Govan and Listra talk about how they found their games and communities, how they've built their own community and where to find your place in them.

We aim to show that gaming is an inclusive world and help people find their place in this far reaching community.

Well Met Champions!
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