Episode 11

Published on:

20th Nov 2020

Morally Factionless

This week Bricco and Deme were joined by the Morally Grey team, Gin and Fear. In the run up to their 100th episode we chatted about taunting, how to say specific and there were surprisingly few dirty jokes. Find out who Fear and Gin would have a beer with at the Lion's Pride Inn and which WoW novel Bricco is listening to now.

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For Morally Grey Podcast




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About the Podcast

The Third Faction The Good People in Gaming Podcast
A podcast about the gaming community hosted by Bricco, RP Govan and Ms Listra with the occasional special guest on each fortnightly episode.
A podcast about the community in the gaming with a heavy bias towards World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy 14 and many other games.

Each fortnight, Bricco, RP Govan and Listra talk about how they found their games and communities, how they've built their own community and where to find your place in them.

We aim to show that gaming is an inclusive world and help people find their place in this far reaching community.

Well Met Champions!
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