Episode 16

Published on:

29th Jan 2021

It's Going To Get Better, You Will Find Your People

This show Bricco and Deme talk to Celheals, a mythic raider and M+ healer who gives a very warm, open and powerful interview. This interview may contain triggers for sexual assault and bullying, if you’d rather avoid those areas, please skip the community questions section. Otherwise, enjoy a very honest, passionate chat with Cel about all things wow! 

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You can find all our links at www.thethirdfaction.com

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You can find Cel on 



And you can find the people Cel mentions on 




Following our interview with Celheals to cover support for bullying and sexual assault survivors we have a few extra links this episode. 

Please know that nothing will replace the help and support that you can get from qualified professionals, these links are meant only to point in the direction of those professionals. We are not qualified and are not associated with any of these bodies or organisations. 

Bully at work support UK - https://www.nationalbullyinghelpline.co.uk/law.html 

Bullying survivor support in the USA - https://www.stompoutbullying.org/

UK based sexual assault survivor support - https://www.thesurvivorstrust.org/find-support 

USA Based sexual assault survivor support - https://victimconnect.org/ 

Show artwork for The Third Faction The Good People in Gaming Podcast

About the Podcast

The Third Faction The Good People in Gaming Podcast
A podcast about the gaming community hosted by Bricco, RP Govan and Ms Listra with the occasional special guest on each fortnightly episode.
A podcast about the community in the gaming with a heavy bias towards World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy 14 and many other games.

Each fortnight, Bricco, RP Govan and Listra talk about how they found their games and communities, how they've built their own community and where to find your place in them.

We aim to show that gaming is an inclusive world and help people find their place in this far reaching community.

Well Met Champions!
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